June 7: Scientific Tribute Day to Bernard Jégou

Bernard Jégou passed away on May 11, 2021. 

Passionate, committed, and curious, Bernard had a spontaneous willingness to venture into the unknown, making him a visionary scientist. His many interests spanned from spermatogenesis to the exposome, through endocrine disruption and fertility.

This event aims to celebrate his work and to show that we will uphold his legacy for many years to come. 

After training in Australia, Norway and the United States, he was recruited as a lecturer at the University of Rennes 1. In 1991, Bernard then became a research director at the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM) and set up his research team. In 2012, he  initiated the creation of the Research Institute for Environmental and Occupational Health (IRSET), which he directed until 2019 in parallel with his role of research dean at the EHESP School of Public Health. Since 2019, he continued his activities as Inserm Emeritus Research Director. 

Author of over 250 articles, throughout his career Bernard conducted innovative research, particularly in reproductive biology and in endocrine disruptors, with strong national and international recognition. Involved in the highest academic bodies for better science and research structuration as well as in the dissemination of knowledge through numerous conferences and books, his activities were multiple and almost impossible to summarize. Humanist, charismatic, empathetic, deeply loyal and truly human, Bernard Jégou supported generations of researchers and forged unwavering friendships across the globe. He greatly contributed to the structuring and international influence of research in Brittany, his native land to which he was deeply attached.


June 8-10: Atlantic Exposome Summer School ALEXS 2022

IRSET, in collaboration with ANSES and the Institute for Advanced Biosciences (IAB, Grenoble) are pleased to announce that the 6th edition of the European Doctoral College on Environment and Health (EDCEH) / Atlantic Exposome Summer School ALEXS 2022 will be held from 8 to 10 June 2022 at EHESP School of Public Health in Rennes.

Devoted to the exposome concept, this 3-day event will feature a variety of training, networking and learning opportunities. This is an excellent opportunity for those interested in emerging research and the latest methodologies in exposomics.

Pioneer researchers in the field of exposomics involved in H2020 EU projects such as HELIX and ATHLETE projects or HBM4EU are scheduled to give plenary lectures. Other lectures will discuss a wide range of important topics including high-resolution mass spectrometry and 'omics' technologies, personal sensors, biomarkers, citizen sciences and statistical methodologies in epidemiology to better define and study the exposome. Workshops will be organised to discuss practical aspects of exposomics and will include hands-on learning opportunities. 

A call for abstracts is open for the selection of oral and poster platforms. A “Three-Minute Thesis” challenge will be organised so that PhD students can present their work.

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REGISTRATION: Registrations are open! Closing date: May 28, 2022

TARIFFS: preferential tariffs for any registration before May 15.

According to the participant's status:

  • All PhD Students: free until May 15 | 100€ from May 16
  • Other participants (academic and non-academic): 200€ until May 15 | 400€ from May 16

ACCOMMODATION: free for all PhD students for a maximum of 3 nights (from June 7 to 10) and within the limits of available places (on a "first registered, first served" basis!)

CATERING: free for all participants (lunch only)

PAYMENTS: payments can be made by credit card (Paybox), bank transfer or administrative transfer.

Many thanks to our partners:


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